
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tutorial: How To Make A Headband Holder

If your baby girl is bald like mine is, you probably have a ton of headbands (especially if you made skinny nylon headbands). This will hold and display quite a few and you can put a bunch inside of it too.
You need:
Large Clorox container (mine held 78 wipes)
Fabric (14"x17" & two 4" diameter circles)
Sewing Machine
Rotary Mat & Cutter or Scissors
Trace your container twice
It's kinda hard to see but I made a dotted cirlce 1/4" outside my traced circle for the seam allowance

Cut your fabric to be 14"x17" and cut your circles on the dotted line
Take your 14"x17" fabric and sew the 17" sides together with a 1/4" seam allowance
Now take a circle and pin it to the tube you just made so the right sides are together and the whole thing is inside-out.
Sew together with a 1/4" seam allowance. This part is tricky so just go slow.
Now turn fabric tube right side out and take the Clorox paper off the container so it won't show through your fabric. Put the container inside the tube of fabric with both openings on top.Without pinning, sew the remaining circle to the unfinished edge. Use a 1/4" seam allowance and sew right sides together. It won't let you sew all the way around so go as far as you can then take it out. You should only have a little opening left afterwards. This needs to be hand-sewn shut.
Um. I'm not hand-sewing anything because it looks just fine to me! But don't follow my bad example and leave it unfinished.

Tada! You could use whatever container you have lying around you just have to measure it and add 1/4" seam allowances to EVERY edge that will be sewn.
I'd love to see yours!