
Wrap Video Demo

***Please always use extra caution when wearing baby (especially newborns and sleeping babies) to make sure their mouth and nose are not covered and they can breath well.

Watch this video demo for basic wrapping instructions. I also show how to put baby in the wrap using the "Hug Hold"

If your wrap won't tie in the front that's okay... just tie it in the back instead. Also, remember that it will stretch with use and shrink back with each wash just like a pair of jeans.

Find other holds (forward facing, newborn etc) at by clicking on "instructions". I found their step by step picture instructions easiest to follow and had to practice in front of a mirror at first :)

To make your own, see my tutorial


*I tie mine pretty tight to begin with. Baby settles a bit after wearing the wrap for a while especially if you're walking around a lot.

*When not in use you can just bunch it up or fold it normal but I like to fold mine in half over and over until it's the size of a square then I roll it from raw edge to raw edge. It's pretty and stores well that way. You could even tie it with a ribbon to keep it rolled tight.
*For me it's more comfortable to wear with the curled edges rolling up and away from my body instead of down toward my body.

*If you spread the fabric out over your shoulders and across your back like pictured below it will feel more comfortable than if it's bunched or just sitting on top of your shoulders.

I hope this helps... email me with any questions at all!